The Eli brand windmill was simple in design, but it was the longest lasting of any made in the day.
Support Kregel Windmill Factory
The doors of the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum opened to the public on April 26, 2013. Help us preserve a unique historical landmark, as well expand our educational mission for future generations. In recent years, generous donations and grants have assisted the museum in creating an annual teacher’s workshop on Nebraska groundwater, the Classroom Discovery Kit program, and the K-12 school tour program.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is to use the unique resources of this historic factory and its contents to provide a tangible way for visitors to understand how Americans throughout the years have used innovation, resourcefulness, hard work and thrift to live successfully through changing times. The factory demonstrates how Americans have used and continue to use the renewable power of the wind to enhance the quality of human life. EIN: 20-8943847
Here are some ways you can contribute:
You can help us fulfill our mission by donating to the Operations Fund so we can continue to grow and reach the lives of people across the country. Our mission is a forward-thinking mission, which strives to inspire both the general public, as well as young people to learn about entrepreneurship, agricultural sciences and engineering and the history of making a living in rural America.
Donations to the operational expenses fund are absolutely essential—they keep the lights on and the Museum doors open. Your donation supports a wide range of ongoing activities, from delivering educational outreach to school children, to developing new exhibitions and funding the study of an as-of-yet explored collection of artifacts.
Join the growing group of donors who generously give monthly to the museum’s Operations Fund. Monthly donors provide a dependable source of funding that allows the Museum to concentrate on developing exhibitions and educational programming, as well as grow our facilities. Enrollment in our monthly giving program allows your dollars to go farther and can also be more convenient for you. You can opt to make a monthly gift from your credit card or directly from your bank account without having to worry about sending us a check.
When you give monthly, you are providing steady, reliable support that allows the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum to plan for exhibitions, facility maintenance projects, as well as educational and cultural programming throughout the year.
Monthly giving is simple and easy to set up and you’ll receive a tax receipt in the full amount of your total annual donation every January for the preceding year. You have the flexibility to manage your recurring donations as you see fit.
We depend on the generosity of individual donors, but corporate and business members can also direct gifts to sponsor exciting new exhibitions and programs that inspire learning and promote students to seek careers in agricultural sciences and engineering right in the rural communities in which they live.
Our corporate sponsors can provide essential support to the museum’s ability to fulfill its mission and ensure accessibility to all people. Generous corporate sponsors can enable the museum to become a local and national leader in the museum and education fields. With corporate support, the Museum can provide transformative experiences for kids, promoting and inspiring rural careers in agricultural sciences and engineering. Corporate donors see concrete results of their investment in the museum every day that a learner of any age can gain insight into the world around them.
Corporations can support the Museum by becoming a Kregel Corporate Sponsor, sponsoring visits of school groups who cannot afford it, and through direct sponsorship of Museum exhibits and programs.
Contact us directly to discuss how we can partner to make an impact:
Kregel Windmill Factory Museum
P.O. Box 46
1416 Central Avenue Nebraska City, NE 68410
(P) 402.873.1078

Kregel Windmill Factory Museum would not be possible without the generous funding from foundations such as Kimmel Foundation, Wirth Foundation and others. If your foundation values rural values and wishes to support our mission to inspire K-12 students to work in the agricultural field within their own rural communities, this is a great time to support Kregel Windmill Factory Museum’s Operations Fund, Endowment Fund or Program Specific Funds.
Kregel Windmill Factory Museum provides foundations with the opportunity to partner with a growing advocate for agricultural science and engineering education. The impact of our work is local, regional and growing. We are striving to build a strong record of multi-year partnerships and are always looking to innovate ways we bring agricultural science and engineering to life for students, teachers and their families.
Our museum also tells the human stories of determination and hard work in the face of difficult circumstances. In this regard, we value that our partnering foundations’ resources were made possible with these same values.
If your foundation would like to contribute, please contact the museum at 402.873.1078
Help ensure that the Museum remains a source of lifelong learning and discovery for generations to come! Planned gifts include bequests through your will or trust, gifts of real estate, life insurance or other assets.
Kregel Windmill Factory Museum, a 501c(3) nonprofit museum, counts on the generosity of individuals who wish to make a lasting impact on the lives of others. Preserving a unique historical landmark and ensuring future generations are inspired to work as agricultural scientists and engineers in our rural communities is a worthy cause.
A charitable bequest is a gift traditionally made through a will that enables you to make a significant contribution to the future operation, educational and capital programs of Kregel Windmill Factory Museum. When deciding on your legacy donation, charitable bequests can also be made through a living trust or a beneficiary designation on a financial account. Plus, a charitable bequest costs you nothing to make today because you retain full control of your assets during life.
How to Give:
- Donate securely online (see links above and to the right).
- Call 402.873.1078
- Mail a check to Kregel Windmill Factory Museum, PO Box 46, Nebraska City, NE 68410
- Make a donation on your next visit to the Museum— our staff will be happy to assist you.
Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit museum operating with tax-deductible donations from generous individuals, foundations, grants and corporate sponsors. Kregel Windmill Factory Museum is not government owned or operated. EIN: 20-8943847